The DigiKat Learning Center

5 Things to do to Get Your Website to Rank on Google

Written by Mick Goman | Mar 13, 2022 7:40:40 PM

According to statistics, the first five organic results account for 67.60 percent of all clicks. Therefore, ranking highly on Google will help you get more revenue. Here are 5 ways you can have your site rank on Google. 

1. Site speed

A slow website is bad for search engine optimisation and the end-users as well. The result is fewer page views and reduced revenue. According to statistics, 40 percent of consumers will leave a site that takes more than three seconds to load. You'll be losing almost half of your visitors when your site takes more than three seconds to load. Here are some ways you can improve your site speed. 

  • Resize your images: If you have been uploading images without checking the size, then you could have gigantic pictures on your site. Such images will reduce the load time.
  • Remove unnecessary plugins: Even though plugins are an excellent way to increase functionality, having too many of them can compromise your site speed. Remove the plugins that you don't need to improve your site speed.
  • Use browser caching: Enabling browser caching for visitors will improve the website speed. Browser caching allows visitors to keep the downloadable files in their browser.
  • Choose the right web hosting company: Research different web hosting companies and choose the one that fits your organisation's needs.
  • Minimise HTTPS requests 

2. Content needs to build trust 

Make sure your content is authoritative and relevant. Quality content will increase traffic and improve your website's authority. Use the following to have content that builds trust.

  • Long-form content: Longer content will improve your search engine ranking. You should target about 2000 words and a minimum of 1000 words. Longer content means that you can add more keywords, and it increases the authenticity of the post.
  • Add video: You can use video to add content to your site. When you optimise your videos, you increase your chances of ranking well.
  • Build high-quality backlinks: Link building is one of the challenging SEO strategies. Backlinks are the links for other sites to your website. Without high-quality links, it'll be hard to rank for high-traffic keywords.  

3. Content needs to target the right keywords

Quality content is an excellent way to increase your search engine rankings. Nothing can substitute great content. One thing you must do to get your content to rank highly is by using the right keywords. You'll need a specific keyword phrase for each page on your site. You'll need keyword research tools like HubSpot SEO and SEMrush. Now that you have your keywords, you can add them to the following places on your website: 

  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Page content
  • Headings
  • Your URLs 

4. Publishing regularly 

Updating your content regularly is an indicator of a site that is relevant. Make sure you always have fresh content on your site. Create a set schedule and make the necessary updates. With regular content, you'll have returning audiences, which will drive more traffic. The more traffic to your site, the more authority your site will have on search engines. You can have a content plan and post content twice per week. 

5. SEO best practices

 SEO best practices will help improve your search engine rankings. Here are some SEO best practices you should follow. 

Title tag

Title tags are the clickable headlines on search engine results. Google displays the first 50-60 characters of a title. Here are the best practices to follow on title tags.

  • Avoid keyword stuffing
  • Include target keywords
  • Don't create duplicate title tags
  • Use descriptive title tags

SEO-friendly URLs

Most people overlook the URL structure for SEO. Your URL needs to provide search engines and SEO with an idea of what the destination page is about. To create a well-structured URL:

  • Use short URLs
  • Remove unnecessary stop words
  • Include categories
  • Use keyword-rich URLs

Optimise your images

Images are a vital addition to your site because they improve the user experience. Make sure you optimise the images to boost organic traffic. Here are ways you can optimise your images.

  • Choose the best file format
  • Compress the images
  • Include Alt Text for images 

Meta information

The meta description is a summary of the pages on the search engine results page that is shown below the title tag. Make sure you provide a summary of your content in less than 160 characters. Here are some practices to follow:

  • Use action-oriented copy
  • Write unique meta descriptions
  • Provide an accurate summary
  • Include target keywords 

Internal links

Internal links help you establish information on your website. It can boost your ranking if used properly. Add internal links from top-ranking pages on your website.


If you help with getting your website ranked, get in touch with us today.