HubSpot Operations Hub, the newest product from HubSpot

Time waits for no one, yet it is wasted by us all. Nowhere else is this more evident than with Operations Teams.

Ops teams spend more time correcting bad data and updating incorrect processes than actually driving business and improving strategies. Ops teams are wasting far too much time bogged down by the limitations of the technologies available to them. They’re stuck doing make-work in your CRM like changing fields, editing buttons, and fixing integrations.


HubSpot Ops Logos

RevOps are too often separated from each other and the rest of the business as a whole. They’re unappreciated, unacknowledged, and unrewarded for all their efforts. They’re stuck in a never-ending loop of reactive situations, rather than being proactive. Not treading water because they don’t know their destination, but they haven’t been provided with the right tools that will get them there. Until now…


Operations… REIMAGINED

Expand your operational capacity and unleash the potential of a united RevOps team with HubSpot’s Operations Hub.

Unlike separated data tools, Operations Hub from HubSpot is a unified RevOps toolset that supercharges HubSpot CRM. HubSpot’s Operations Hub simplifies the entire process of connecting, cleaning, updating, and automating customer data.

It was created especially for operations teams who would rather be driving business revenues and increasing values of strategic projects than being constantly focused on extinguishing spot fires.

Sync & Clean Customer Data

Operations… INTEGRATED

Integrate Everything with Operations Hub from HubSpot.

By merging the Operations toolkit completely into Operations Hub, all of your customer data is unified, customisable, integrated, and available on the one connected CRM platform.

HubSpot Sync migrates and integrates all existing historical data and custom objects from your CRM with your ERP. This ensures customer data is always current for all teams, from marketing, sales, and service in the front office to billing, finance, and administration in the back office.

Real estates can also integrate Operations Hub with a wide variety of industry-specific apps, so leads can be automatically assigned to agents as they become available. It doesn’t even matter if HubSpot is your CRM or not. You can still integrate Operations Hub to sync with your current CRM as well as other marketing apps.

  • Sync CRM fields
  • Personalize marketing campaigns
  • Analyse revenue impact
  • Sync marketing data
  • Score and rotate leads
  • Inform sales conversations
  • Sync phone contact


Operations… EXPANDED

CRM connectivity

Operations Hub is a truly connected CRM with no third-party applications or integration software required. Plus it syncs all customer data in real-time both ways across all business apps and programs. Not only will this access to consistently dependable and up-to-date data empower and align your Ops teams, but it will also save hours of their time normally spent manually entering the data.

Clean Data

Customer experiences are only ever as satisfying as the data that allows it to function. And with Operations Hub’s new data quality actions available in workflows, accessing high-quality data that are always current and accurate isn’t just easy, it’s automatic. Rather than Ops teams wasting their time working in Excel, Operations Hub changes dates, country codes, phone numbers, currencies, and more. Clean data empowers your business.

Bidirectional sync

Operations Hub from HubSpot swings both ways. That means HubSpot’s data sync sends custom filtering, field mapping, historical syncing, back and forth between applications in the one easy, code-free package. And with bidirectional sync, your teams will be empowered, aligned, and free from friction.

Flexible Automation

With the programmable automation available in Operations Hub, you can create custom actions for every business process to ensure everything runs smoothly and scales effortlessly. From regions to notifications to time management, you can automate everything to increase team efficiency and customers happiness. Below are just a few ways you can customise Operations Hub.

  • Automation aligned with your creativity & vision
  • Lead rotation with custom logic & third-party queries
  • Enrich accounts with third-party data
  • Service-based or sales-based SLA
  • Renewal management & manipulation
  • Complex property value creation & transformation

Automate Every Process

Operations… EMPOWERED

If you’re ready for a truly empowered Ops team, you can’t go past Operations Hub from HubSpot. Ask Digikat today how HubSpot’s latest integration can unlock increased sales by inspiring the efficiency and productivity of your professional Ops teams.