DigiKat Learning Center

Blog Content and Trends for everything HubSpot, marketing, sales, customer service, and Revops.

Inbound marketing

The importance of big data in marketing

Have you had to make an update to your buyer persona in the last few months? Getting all the data you can manage and using that information to update your buyer personas is a bit of work. Many businesses are still using this...

Mick Goman

3 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing, HubSpot

The < emergence > of smart content

Content is the backbone of any marketing campaign. It fuels the success of modern marketing. The more personalised, and optimised, you can make content the better your marketing efforts are going to be. Every email campaign,...

Mick Goman

3 mins read

Voice marketing, Inbound marketing

Is voice the future of search marketing?

Do you have a smart speaker in your home? Amazon Alexa and Google Home are conquering the world. One in three Australians already uses voice search tools such as Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and Alexa.

Mick Goman

4 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing

What is contextual marketing?

Contextual marketing is a form of targeted marketing that appears on websites or other media. The advertisements are targeted specifically to the user’s actions and page visits, and searches, prior to seeing the advertisement.

Mick Goman

13 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing, HubSpot

Email marketing

Email marketing has turned into the forgotten channel when it comes to digital marketing. Most digital marketers now swear by Social Media, Google Ads and Display advertising. However, email marketing still yields the biggest ROI...

Mick Goman

13 mins read

Inbound marketing

Customer retention strategy

What is Customer Retention?

Customer retention is the ability of a company or a product to retain its customers over a specified period. Having high customer retention means that customers don’t purchase a competitor’s product or...

Mick Goman

11 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing, HubSpot

Content marketing

Content is King

Even back in 1996, Bill Gates realised that content was going to be incredibly important. The quote Content is King was already coined before Google was founded (1998). Bill Gates’ opinion back then was that...

Mick Goman

13 mins read

Inbound marketing, HubSpot

Sales funnel vs flywheel

What is a Sales Funnel?

The sales funnel is the buyer process that companies lead customers through when they are purchasing products. The concept is just like a real-world funnel, you pour a lot of substance in at the top and at...

Mick Goman

12 mins read