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Content marketing, Inbound marketing

How to write the right Ad for the right audience

Paid search is an incredibly potent and powerful tool to get a lot of targeted traffic to your website. Often it just takes the click of a button. Create a few good ads and you’re done. However, if you decide to start adding...

Mick Goman

3 mins read

Content marketing

The relationship between SEO and social media

SEO can be seen as a very simple concept. Use a keyword to get yourself found on search engines. It’s typically effective. And it’s free. And while it still does work under this rather simple approach, with it’s constant organic...

Mick Goman

3 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing

Why your business should be using video marketing

Video marketing is an ever increasingly relevant form of marketing for businesses. According to YouTube’s findings, there is about 1 billion hours worth of views on YouTube videos every single day around the world. The average...

Mick Goman

2 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing, HubSpot

The < emergence > of smart content

Content is the backbone of any marketing campaign. It fuels the success of modern marketing. The more personalised, and optimised, you can make content the better your marketing efforts are going to be. Every email campaign,...

Mick Goman

3 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing

What is contextual marketing?

Contextual marketing is a form of targeted marketing that appears on websites or other media. The advertisements are targeted specifically to the user’s actions and page visits, and searches, prior to seeing the advertisement.

Mick Goman

13 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing, HubSpot

Email marketing

Email marketing has turned into the forgotten channel when it comes to digital marketing. Most digital marketers now swear by Social Media, Google Ads and Display advertising. However, email marketing still yields the biggest ROI...

Mick Goman

13 mins read

Content marketing, Inbound marketing, HubSpot

Content marketing

Content is King

Even back in 1996, Bill Gates realised that content was going to be incredibly important. The quote Content is King was already coined before Google was founded (1998). Bill Gates’ opinion back then was that...

Mick Goman

13 mins read

Content marketing

Marketing to millennials: The ultimate digital conundrum

Digital marketing is not a one size fits all concept. We’ve said that more than once before and we are bound to say it again. Digital marketing is a complex enough way to get sales leads for your business. By letting yourself...

Mick Goman

5 mins read